Para Pelajar & Pensyarah Pustem SMK Limbanak Penampang

Para Pelajar & Pensyarah Pustem SMK Limbanak Penampang

Thursday, February 10, 2022

PBL Cultural Festival

 PBL Cultural Festival was a virtual learning sharing between PTE SMK Limbanak and Falu Fri Gymnasium Sweden, which was held on 09th February 2022 from 6:10pm to 7:45pm via google meet. Mdm Tina Leong (MUET Lecturer) and her students from PU5A and PU1A had presented our Malaysian's multi cultural celebrations and they did a great job preparing for the presentation. Mdm Helena's from Sweden had her students presented on their holidays and cultures too. The Q and A session was active and the students enjoyed this programme. Congratulations to both and hopefully we will continue to have this mutual cooperation in the future. 

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